Source code for pyinform.shannon

# Copyright 2016-2019 Douglas G. Moore. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a MIT
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
from ctypes import c_double, c_void_p
from pyinform import _inform

[docs]def entropy(p, b=2.0): """ Compute the base-*b* shannon entropy of the distribution *p*. Taking :math:`X` to be a random variable with :math:`p_X` a probability distribution on :math:`X`, the base-:math:`b` Shannon entropy is defined as .. math:: H(X) = -\\sum_{x} p_X(x) \\log_b p_X(x). .. rubric:: Examples: .. doctest:: shannon >>> d = Dist([1,1,1,1]) >>> shannon.entropy(d) 2.0 >>> shannon.entropy(d, 4) 1.0 .. doctest:: shannon >>> d = Dist([2,1]) >>> shannon.entropy(d) 0.9182958340544896 >>> shannon.entropy(d, b=3) 0.579380164285695 See [Shannon1948a]_ for more details. :param p: the distribution :type p: :py:class:`pyinform.dist.Dist` :param float b: the logarithmic base :return: the shannon entropy of the distribution :rtype: float """ return _entropy(p._dist, c_double(b))
[docs]def mutual_info(p_xy, p_x, p_y, b=2.0): """ Compute the base-*b* mututal information between two random variables. `Mutual information`_ provides a measure of the mutual dependence between two random variables. Let :math:`X` and :math:`Y` be random variables with probability distributions :math:`p_X` and :math:`p_Y` respectively, and :math:`p_{X,Y}` the joint probability distribution over :math:`(X,Y)`. The base-:math:`b` mutual information between :math:`X` and :math:`Y` is defined as .. math:: I(X;Y) &= \\sum_{x,y} p_{X,Y}(x,y) \\log_b \\frac{p_{X,Y}(x,y)}{p_X(x)p_Y(y)}\\\\ &= H(X) + H(Y) - H(X,Y). Here the second line takes advantage of the properties of logarithms and the definition of Shannon entropy, :py:func:`.entropy`. To some degree one can think of mutual information as a measure of the (linear and non-linear) coorelations between random variables. See [Cover1991a]_ for more details. .. rubric:: Examples: .. doctest:: shannon >>> xy = Dist([10,70,15,5]) >>> x = Dist([80,20]) >>> y = Dist([25,75]) >>> shannon.mutual_info(xy, x, y) 0.21417094500762912 :param p_xy: the joint distribution :type p_xy: :py:class:`pyinform.dist.Dist` :param p_x: the *x*-marginal distribution :type p_x: :py:class:`pyinform.dist.Dist` :param p_y: the *y*-marginal distribution :type p_y: :py:class:`pyinform.dist.Dist` :param float b: the logarithmic base :return: the mutual information :rtype: float .. _Mutual Information: """ return _mutual_info(p_xy._dist, p_x._dist, p_y._dist, c_double(b))
[docs]def conditional_entropy(p_xy, p_y, b=2.0): """ Compute the base-*b* conditional entropy given joint (*p_xy*) and marginal (*p_y*) distributions. `Conditional entropy`_ quantifies the amount of information required to describe a random variable :math:`X` given knowledge of a random variable :math:`Y`. With :math:`p_Y` the probability distribution of :math:`Y`, and :math:`p_{X,Y}` the distribution for the joint distribution :math:`(X,Y)`, the base-:math:`b` conditional entropy is defined as .. math:: H(X|Y) &= -\\sum_{x,y} p_{X,Y}(x,y) \\log_b \\frac{p_{X,Y}(x,y)}{p_Y(y)}\\\\ &= H(X,Y) - H(Y). See [Cover1991a]_ for more details. .. rubric:: Examples: .. doctest:: shannon >>> xy = Dist([10,70,15,5]) >>> x = Dist([80,20]) >>> y = Dist([25,75]) >>> shannon.conditional_entropy(xy, x) 0.5971071794515037 >>> shannon.conditional_entropy(xy, y) 0.5077571498797332 :param p_xy: the joint distribution :type p_xy: :py:class:`pyinform.dist.Dist` :param p_y: the marginal distribution :type p_y: :py:class:`pyinform.dist.Dist` :param float b: the logarithmic base :return: the conditional entropy :rtype: float .. _Conditional entropy: """ return _conditional_entropy(p_xy._dist, p_y._dist, c_double(b))
[docs]def conditional_mutual_info(p_xyz, p_xz, p_yz, p_z, b=2.0): """ Compute the base-*b* conditional mutual information the given joint (*p_xyz*) and marginal (*p_xz*, *p_yz*, *p_z*) distributions. `Conditional mutual information`_ was introduced by [Dobrushin1959]_ and [Wyner1978]_, and more or less quantifies the average mutual information between random variables :math:`X` and :math:`Y` given knowledge of a third :math:`Z`. Following the same notations as in :py:func:`.conditional_entropy`, the base-:math:`b` conditional mutual information is defined as .. math:: I(X;Y|Z) &= -\\sum_{x,y,z} p_{X,Y,Z}(x,y,z) \\log_b \\frac{p_{X,Y|Z}(x,y|z)}{p_{X|Z}(x|z)p_{Y|Z}(y|z)}\\\\ &= -\\sum_{x,y,z} p_{X,Y,Z}(x,y,z) \\log_b \\frac{p_{X,Y,Z}(x,y,z)p_{Z}(z)}{p_{X,Z}(x,z)p_{Y,Z}(y,z)}\\\\ &= H(X,Z) + H(Y,Z) - H(Z) - H(X,Y,Z) .. _Conditional mutual information: .. rubric:: Examples: .. doctest:: shannon >>> xyz = Dist([24,24,9,6,25,15,10,5]) >>> xz = Dist([15,9,5,10]) >>> yz = Dist([9,15,10,15]) >>> z = Dist([3,5]) >>> shannon.conditional_mutual_info(xyz, xz, yz, z) 0.12594942727460334 :param p_xyz: the joint distribution :type p_xyz: :py:class:`pyinform.dist.Dist` :param p_xz: the *x,z*-marginal distribution :type p_xz: :py:class:`pyinform.dist.Dist` :param p_yz: the *y,z*-marginal distribution :type p_yz: :py:class:`pyinform.dist.Dist` :param p_z: the *z*-marginal distribution :type p_z: :py:class:`pyinform.dist.Dist` :param float b: the logarithmic base :return: the conditional mutual information :rtype: float """ return _conditional_mutual_info(p_xyz._dist, p_xz._dist, p_yz._dist, p_z._dist, c_double(b))
[docs]def relative_entropy(p, q, b=2.0): """ Compute the base-*b* relative entropy between posterior (*p*) and prior (*q*) distributions. `Relative entropy`, also known as the Kullback-Leibler divergence, was introduced by Kullback and Leiber in 1951 ([Kullback1951a]_). Given a random variable :math:`X`, two probability distributions :math:`p_X` and :math:`q_X`, relative entropy measures the information gained in switching from the prior :math:`q_X` to the posterior :math:`p_X`: .. math:: D_{KL}(p_X || q_X) = \\sum_x p_X(x) \\log_b \\frac{p_X(x)}{q_X(x)}. Many of the information measures, e.g. :py:func:`.mutual_info`, :py:func:`.conditional_entropy`, etc..., amount to applications of relative entropy for various prior and posterior distributions. .. rubric:: Examples: .. doctest:: shannon >>> p = Dist([4,1]) >>> q = Dist([1,1]) >>> shannon.relative_entropy(p,q) 0.27807190511263774 >>> shannon.relative_entropy(q,p) 0.3219280948873624 .. doctest:: shannon >>> p = Dist([1,0]) >>> q = Dist([1,1]) >>> shannon.relative_entropy(p,q) 1.0 >>> shannon.relative_entropy(q,p) nan :param p: the *posterior* distribution :type p: :py:class:`pyinform.dist.Dist` :param q: the *prior* distribution :type q: :py:class:`pyinform.dist.Dist` :param float b: the logarithmic base :return: the relative entropy :rtype: float """ return _relative_entropy(p._dist, q._dist, c_double(b))
_entropy = _inform.inform_shannon_entropy _entropy.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_double] _entropy.restype = c_double _mutual_info = _inform.inform_shannon_mi _mutual_info.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_double] _mutual_info.restype = c_double _conditional_entropy = _inform.inform_shannon_ce _conditional_entropy.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_double] _conditional_entropy.restype = c_double _conditional_mutual_info = _inform.inform_shannon_cmi _conditional_mutual_info.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_double] _conditional_mutual_info.restype = c_double _relative_entropy = _inform.inform_shannon_re _relative_entropy.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_double] _relative_entropy.restype = c_double